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Who can apply for Faysal Roshan Apna Ghar Finance?

Faysal Roshan Apna Ghar is a special product for Faysal Bank’s RDA NRP customers only.

Under which segments the customer can apply?

RDA customer can apply based on:

  • Lien Based
  • Non lien based

What pricing does Faysal Roshan Apna Ghar offer?

Following would be the pricing:

Variable Rate

  • Without lien 1-year KIBOR + 1.5%
  • With lien 1-year KIBOR only

What is KIBOR?

KIBOR is the Karachi Interbank Offered Rate used as a benchmark for price setting.

Which facilities can be applied under Faysal Roshan Apna Ghar?

Customer can apply for following facilities in Lien and Non Lien based offerings:

Lien/Non Lien Segment

  • Home Buyer
  • Home Builder/Plot + Construction
  • Construction Finance
  • Home Renovation

What are the financing tenure options offered by Faysal Roshan Apna Ghar?

Tenure of the facility is between 3 to 20 years in lien and non-lien based product.

What is the minimum financing amount offered under Faysal Roshan Apna Ghar?

The minimum financing amount is PKR 500,000/- in lien and non-lien based product.

What are the rate options offered by Faysal Roshan Apna Ghar?

The customer can apply on variable rate in lien and non-lien based product.

What is the difference between Fixed and variable rate?

Under variable rates, instalments will be revised annually.

What are the other charges applicable?

Please refer Islamic Banking Schedule of Charges.

Can I repay the facility before the maturity date?

Yes, you can settle your facility before the maturity date

For first year 1% will be charged upon Early Termination, afterwards NO charges will be levied

(in lien and non-lien based product).

What is the minimum down payment amount required?

For Lien and Non-lien Based product

Home Buyer/Home Builder/Plot+ Construction/ Construction Finance – Maximum up to 85% of property value

Home Renovation – Maximum up to 30% of property value

Will mortgage/charge be created on Lien Based financing?

For lien based financing, charge creation (equitable or registered) is not required.

Where to contact in case of complaints?

In case of further queries or complaint you can call at our 24 hours’ available call center on 111-06-06-06
